
plenty of evidence for example https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1603345/FULLTEXT01.pdf

Also it is unimportant to understand that VennABERs has validity guarantees - guarantees that it will calibrate classifier, whilst none of the alternatives have any guarantees. Platt’s scaler is based on restrictive assumptions (check beta calibration paper to see what they are) and isotonic regression overfits especially on smaller datasets



Valeriy Manokhin, PhD, MBA, CQF
Valeriy Manokhin, PhD, MBA, CQF

Written by Valeriy Manokhin, PhD, MBA, CQF

Principal Data Scientist, PhD in Machine Learning, creator of Awesome Conformal Prediction 👍Tip: hold down the Clap icon for up x50

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